
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, founded by Gary Gutting and Anastasia Friel Gutting, began publication in January 2002. It is entirely devoted to publishing substantive, high-quality book reviews (normal length: 1500-2000 words). Reviews continually appear.

Reviews are commissioned and vetted by a distinguished international Editorial Board. We do not accept unsolicited reviews, but welcome proposals for reviews from suitably qualified reviewers (in the normal course of affairs, a qualified reviewer will have received a doctoral degree in philosophy or other relevant discipline). In the event that a proposal is received, we will vet it in the normal way with our Editorial Board before determining whether to issue an invitation to write a review. 

The journal is published only electronically.

All material appearing in NDPR is reproduced with the permission of the contributing author. Any material appearing in NDPR may be copied for educational use provided proper credit is given to the author and NDPR.

Christopher Shields

Managing Editor:
Kirsten Anderson

Editorial Assistant:
Sara Chan Yun Yu


Editorial Board

  • Ásta Duke
  • Alia Al-Saji McGill
  • Louise Antony UMass Amherst
  • Albert Atkin Macquarie University
  • Robert Audi Notre Dame
  • Rachel Barney Toronto
  • Jc Beall Notre Dame
  • Jessica Berry Georgia State
  • Thom Brooks Durham
  • Allen Buchanan Duke
  • David Chalmers NYU/ANU
  • Simon Critchley New School
  • Daniel Dahlstrom Boston University
  • Steve Darwall Yale
  • Penelope Deutscher Northwestern
  • Julia Driver Washington U St. Louis
  • Richard Feldman Rochester
  • John Martin Fischer UC Riverside
  • Jay Garfield Smith College/Melbourne
  • Michael Glanzberg Rutgers
  • Robert J. Gooding-Williams Columbia
  • Paul Griffiths Sydney
  • Anil Gupta Pittsburgh
  • Paul Guyer Brown
  • Karen Hanson Minnesota
  • Sally Haslanger MIT
  • Carl Hoefer Barcelona
  • Brad Hooker Reading
  • Brad Inwood Yale
  • Serene J. Khader CUNY Grad Center
  • Muhammad Ali Khalidi CUNY Grad Center
  • Michael Kremer Chicago
  • Jennifer Lackey Northwestern
  • Peter Lamarque York
  • Charles Larmore Brown
  • Leonard Lawlor Penn State
  • Chuang Liu Fudan University
  • Brian Leiter Chicago
  • Jerrold Levinson Maryland
  • M.M. McCabe King's College (London)
  • Jeff McMahan Oxford
  • Howard McGary Rutgers
  • José Jorge Mendoza UMass Lowell
  • Peter Momtchiloff Oxford
  • Michael Morgan Indiana
  • Lenny Moss UNAM
  • Brian O'Connor University College Dublin
  • Graham Oddie Colorado, Boulder
  • Robert Pasnau Colorado, Boulder
  • Derk Pereboom Cornell
  • John Perry Stanford/UC Riverside
  • Christof Rapp LMU Munich
  • François Recanati Institut Jean Nicod
  • Mathias Risse Harvard
  • Michael Rosen Harvard
  • Joseph Rouse Wesleyan
  • Tad Schmaltz Michigan
  • Robert Sharf Berkeley
  • Rachel Singpurwalla Maryland
  • Daniel Smith, Purdue
  • David Sosa Texas
  • Eleonore Stump St. Louis
  • Anand Vaidya San Jose State
  • Bryan Van Norden Vassar
  • Manuel Vargas UC San Diego
  • Eric Watkins UC San Diego
  • Jan Westerhoff Oxford
  • Howard Wettstein UC Riverside
  • Kyle Whyte Michigan
  • Jessica Wilson Toronto